Email Steve Clugston
Phone: 903-295-5000 x 1701
Steve Clugston was named Superintendent of Schools for Pine Tree ISD on May 17, 2018. With more than 33 years of experience in public education, Mr. Clugston started his career as a high school Physical Science/Biology teacher in the Crandall Independent School District. His teaching experience includes high school, middle school and elementary Science and Physical Education. His administrative experiences includes Principalships at Simms ISD, Beckville ISD and Diboll ISD.
He has served as an Assistant Superintendent at Needville ISD and Superintendent at Riesel ISD and Callisburg ISD. Mr. Clugston earned Bachelors and Masters degrees at Stephen F. Austin University and earned his Superintendent certification in 2000.
Mr. Clugston has been married to his wife Amy for 33 years and they have four children: Callie and son-in-law Taylor, Macie and son-in-law Bubba, Hollie and son-in-law Joe and Nevaeh. They have four grandsons with one on the way.
Dear Pine Tree Community:
As we kickoff the 24-25 school year I can’t help but relish in the progress we have made over the past six years. We have seen our programs improve, our academics get stronger, and our reputation grow. We set out six years ago to bring Pine Tree back, and through the efforts of our staff, students and parental help we have arrived. Now, the challenge is to not be satisfied with where we are, but strive for more by becoming the best school in Northeast Texas. Exciting things are instore for Pine Tree this year. We are moving down to 4A competition which means the schools we will be playing against are no longer, roughly, twice our size. This change brings with it high expectations for all programs along with a renewed excitement for multiple playoff appearances by our athletic teams. Our UIL academic team and band are expected to be a force for the other 4A schools to contend with. Regardless of the program, this change should put our competition on notice that the Pirates are coming and wins are coming with us. Along with the above stated excitement was the passage of our bond election last fall.
Over the summer we remodeled the bathrooms in the Junior High building, giving it the feeling of a new building. The remaining Junior High additions, along with the new baseball stadium and softball upgrades, are scheduled to break ground in August. Once the baseball and softball fields are complete around mid-year we plan to break ground on the second half of this bond with the addition to Parkway Elementary and a new CTE facility at the High School. As I said, these are exciting times to be a Pine Tree Pirate and we can’t wait to watch our students excel throughout the 24-25 school year. So gas up the car and buckle-up for a fun ride as the Pirates lead the way!
Go Pirates,
Steve Clugston, Pine Tree ISD Superintendent

Steve Clugston

Teresa Rau
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Email Teresa Rau
Phone: 903-295-5000 x 1701