Standard Response Protocol
Pine Tree ISD has implemented the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to assist in practicing safe and secure schools. This method was created by the I Love U Guys Foundation in Colorado, and allows the district to incorporate an efficient emergency response plan.
The SRP developed five actions to practice during an emergency or crisis:
Secure – is called due to a threat or hazard is outside the school building. All students and staff will remain indoors, and the perimeter will be secured.
Lockdown – is called when a threat or hazard is inside the school building. All students and staff will remain quiet and out-of-sight in the classroom with the lights out and doors locked.
Evacuate – is called when students and staff need to move to another location. All students and staff will be moved to a different location or outside of the school building.
Shelter – is called for personal protection due to a threat or hazard, for example, a tornado or hazmat situation.
Hold – occurs when there is a situation that requires students and staff to remain in the classroom.
All Pine Tree ISD employees and students will participate in trainings and drills to ensure their safety.
Standard Response Protocol Handout
Standard Response Protocol Parent Handout