
Student grants are designed to provide funds to attain academic success and to achieve success for the future.
The number of grants and the amount of the grants awarded will depend upon available funds. Not all applications will be awarded. Grants may be partially funded. Please read the guidelines carefully to fully understand guidelines and expectations.
Student Grant Funding Focus

The Pine Tree Education Foundation serves as an investment vehicle for those who support the vision of excellence in education for which Pine Tree ISD is known. The foundation provides an innovative source of funding to support the school districts educational plan of excellence. Our goal is to provide funds for those projects and activities that go beyond the normal classroom experience through educator grants made possible by the common passion for excellence in education that is shared by our community.
Teacher and Staff Grants Funding Focus
Thank you so very much for giving us this opportunity. We appreciate the Education Foundation and are thankful to be Pirates!
Candace Gleghorn
Pine Tree High School Life Skills Teacher