Required Website Information And Posting


State and Federal Laws from time to time mandate information be posted on a school district's website. The requirements vary widely as well as the locations where these items might logically appear. With this page we are hoping to provide our community with a quick resource for locating such information.

Career and Technical Education Public Notification of Nondiscrimination - English

Career and Technical Education Public Notification of Nondiscrimination - Spanish

2023-2024 Intent to Apply for Federal Grant

Early Childhood/CCMR Plan

Voluntary Student Insurance

Texas Academic Performance Reports

The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), formerly known as the AEIS (Academic Excellence Indicator System), pulls together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas.  

2023-2024 TAPR Report

PSAT/NMSQT Availability

HB 1844 80th Legislature

A school district is required to post on an Internet website maintained by the district the date the PSAT/NMSQT will be administered and the date any college advanced placement tests will be administered. The notice must state that the PSAT/NMSQT or the advanced placement test is available for home-schooled students eligible to attend school in the district and describe the procedures for a home-schooled student to register for the test.

Location: District Calendar

Additional Info: College Board Website

Immunization Exceptions, Requirements And Suggestions

HB 1059 80th Legislature

This bill requires school districts with website capabilities to post information relating to immunizations exceptions, required and suggested immunizations for school age children, information on health clinics offering vaccines and links to the DSHS website. Information should be available in English and Spanish.

Location: Texas Department of Health & Safety

DSHS Meningitis Information for Students and Parents

Texas DSHS Allergies and Anaphylaxis Summary

Homeless Information

College Credit, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Dual Credit, And Joint Hs And College Credit Programs

SB 282 80th Legislature

Requires school districts to notify the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) of all students in grades 9 – 12 of the availability of programs under which they may earn college credit, including Advanced Placement programs, International Baccalaureate programs, dual credit programs, and joint high school and college credit programs. The notification may be provided on the district’s Internet website and must include the name and contact information of any public or private entity offering such a program.

Location: High School Counseling Dept Websites - Pine Tree HS

Notice Of Vacancies For Licensed/Certified Positions

SB 387 79th Legislature 

School districts must implement the new requirements regarding posting notice of vacancies for which a license or certificate is required under Section 21.003. The district must provide such notice by posting the position on a bulletin board at a place convenient to the public in the district's central administrative office, a bulletin board at the central administrative office of each campus in the district during any time the office is open, and the district's Internet website, if any.  

Location: Human Resources - Job Postings

Nutrition & Health Policies

SB 42 79th Legislature

The legislation adds an emphasis on proper nutrition and exercise to the health curriculum required for kindergarten through grade 12 in Education Code Sec. 28.004. A school district shall publish in the student handbook and post on the district's Internet website,

  • a statement of the policies adopted to ensure that elementary school, middle school, and junior high school students engage in at least 30 minutes per school day or 135 minutes per school week of physical activity; and

  • a statement of:

    • the number of times during the preceding year the district's school health advisory council has met;

    • whether the district has adopted and enforces policies to ensure that district campuses comply with agency vending machine and food service guidelines for restricting student access to vending machines; and

    • whether the district has adopted and enforces policies and procedures that prescribe penalties for the use of tobacco products by students and others on school campuses or at school-sponsored or school-related activities.

Location: Child Nutrition :: Food Service Dept.

Wellness Guidelines

Energy Consumption

HB 3693 80th Legislature

School districts and TEA are required to establish a goal to reduce annual electric consumption by five percent each state fiscal year for six years beginning September 1, 2007. School districts and TEA are required to record electricity, water, and natural gas consumption in an electronic repository and report this information on a publicly accessible Internet website with an interface designed for ease of navigation.
Location: Maintenance & Operations Dept. :: Utility Usage and Aggregate Cost Report

Notice Of School Board Meetings

SB 1133 79th Legislature

Requires a school district to post notices of meetings of the school board on the school district’s website, if a website is maintained by, or for, the district and if a school district is located in whole or in part within the corporate boundaries of a municipality with a population of 48,000 or more. The Internet posting is in addition to any other posting required. The validity of a notice or agenda is not affected by a failure to comply with a requirement under the new section that is due to a technical problem beyond the control of the school district. This language is in addition to the current requirement to post meeting notices on a bulletin board at a place convenient to the public in the central administrative office of the district. 

Location: District Calendar (Search Board of Trustees) or School Board Agenda

Proposed Budget Summary

HB 1 Section 2.06 79th Legislature, 3rd called session

Requires school districts to post on their website a summary of their proposed budget at the same time the districts post their notice of the budget. The summary must include aggregate and per student spending on instruction; instructional support; central administration; district operations; debt service; and any other category designated by the commissioner. The summary must also include a comparison to the previous year’s actual spending. 

Location: Business Office

Accountability Ratings

The 85th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 22, establishing three domains for measuring the academic performance of districts and campuses:  Student Achievement,School Progress, and Closing the Gaps.  Beginning in 2019, districts and campuses received a rating of A, B, C, D, or F for overall performance, as well as for performance in each domain.  Visit TEA to view how Texas schools and districts performed.  The links below will provide information on our district and each of our campuses overall performance.  

Location:District Info: Accountability

Employment Policies

HB 912 78th Legislature Education Code Section 21.204(d)

School districts must place their employment policies on their websites and have the policies available for inspection at each school. 

Location: Human Resources

Notifications Of Claimed Infringement

17 U.S.C. 512(c)(1), (2); 37 CFR 201.38

Entities must designate an agent to receive notifications of claimed infringement and include this information on its website in a location accessible to the public.

Location: TBD

Maintenance And Operation (M & O) Tax Rate

Tax Code 26.05b

Districts must post on their website the Maintenance and Operations (M & O) tax rate if it exceeds the effective rate.

Location: Tax Office :: Tax Rate Info

Conflict Of Interest

Local Government Code Chapter 176 Conflict of Interest 

The district must provide access to information concerning business relationships between local government officials and vendors that contract with local government entities. The manner by which information about these business relationships are disclosed was the subject of extensive interpretation and clarification by the Attorney General in GA-0446.


The records administrator for the entity is required to maintain a list of “local government officers of the entity and shall make that list available to the public and any person who may be required to file a questionnaire. In addition, entities are required to “provide access to the statements and questionnaires . . . on the Internet website maintained by the local governmental entity. Larger entities have additional internet website listing requirements. 

HB 1491 from the 80th legislature codifies many of the rulings in GA-0446.
It provides that a local governmental entity is not required to maintain an Internet site to provide access to statements and questionnaires.

Location: Business Office : Purchasing Info

Conflicts Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires - Board Policy DBF

Outside Resources

Texas Education Agency

The mission of the Texas Education Agency is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students.