
District Accountability Ratings

The 85th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 22, establishing three domains for measuring the academic performance of districts and campuses:  Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps.  Beginning in 2019, districts and campuses received a rating of A, B, C, D, or F for overall performance, as well as for performance in each domain.  Visit to view how Texas schools and districts performed.  The links below will provide information on our district and each of our campuses overall performance.

Pine Tree ISD

Pine Tree High School

Pine Tree Junior High School

Pine Tree Middle School

Birch Elementary School

Parkway Elementary School

Pine Tree Primary School

Calculating an Overall Grade in the A-F Accountability System

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Pine Tree ISD Annual Report

Texas Education Code Chapter 39 requires each district's board of trustees to publish an annual report that includes the Texas Academic Performance Report, campus performance objectives, a report of violent or criminal incidents, and information received under Texas Education Code 51.403(e) from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

The most recent Pine Tree ISD Annual Report can be viewed at the links below.

2023-2024 Pine Tree ISD Annual Report Presentation

2023-2024 Pine Tree ISD Annual Report

School Report Cards

The school report card (SRC) combines accountability ratings, data from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), and financial information to give a broad view of campus performance.  Due to COVID-19, all districts and campuses received a label of Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for the 2019-2020 school year.  Therefore, several data points have not been updated, including STAAR and academic growth data.

2021-2022 Pine Tree ISD School Report Cards

Pine Tree High School

Pine Tree Jr. High School

Pine Tree Middle School

Parkway Elementary School

Birch Elementary School

Pine Tree Primary School

For those who would like greater detail about the information in the SRC, the 2021-22 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Glossary is a useful resource.  It contains definitions and data sources for all the information included in the SRC; the data in the SRC is a subset of that published in the TAPR. 

The school report card definitions, updated each year, explain several of the terms used in the SRC.

The school report card definitions are also available in Spanish.

Federal Report Cards

Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires each State education agency to prepare and publish an annual report card with state-, district-, and campus-level data.

Federal Report Cards for Pine Tree ISD and each of our campuses can be viewed using the links below.

What's Included on the Federal Report Card for a Texas Public School?

Texas Academic Performance Reports : TAPR

The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), formerly known as the AEIS (Academic Excellence Indicator System), pull together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas. 

The reports also provide extensive information on staff, programs and demographics for each school and for the district.

Pine Tree ISD District TAPR 2021-2022

Pine Tree ISD Campus TAPR - High School 2021-2022

Pine Tree ISD Campus TAPR- Jr. High 2021-2022

Pine Tree ISD Campus TAPR- Middle School 2021-2022

Pine Tree ISD Campus TAPR- Birch Elementary 2021-2022

Pine Tree ISD Campus TAPR- Parkway Elementary 2021-2022

Pine Tree ISD Campus TAPR- Primary 2021-2022

2021-2022 TAPR Glossary

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