Infrastructure / Renovation

Replace the HAVC (Air units) on the high school campus. (Estimated cost $1,817,550)
Provide the asbestos abatement and renovation of the 600 building at the high school. (Estimated cost $1,860,104)
Provide handicap lift at the PTHS theaters
Provide handicap lift at the Pine Tree Road Auditorium
Provide handicap access ramp at PTHS
Provide handicap access to playground at Parkway Elementary
Provide sidewalk and canopy for student drop off/pickup at Parkway Elementary
Is it common to include maintenance infrastructure upgrades in a bond?Yes, major maintenance costs are usually included in a bond proposal - when the expense of the repair is high enough to consider long-term financing.
What is involved in the Asbestos Abatement and Renovations for the 600 building and wing at the HS?The project includes replacing the floor and ceiling finishes throughout the 17,000 square foot space. Additional work includes mechanical, electrical, plumbing upgrades to all areas. Some wall demolition and reconstruction is included to fit new programmatic requirements. The presence of asbestos materials makes it costly for the district to perform any modifications without triggering additional abatement requirements.

The bond website will continue to be updated with the latest information as each project progresses. Submit bond questions or comments to contact the department or call 903-295-5136.