Career / Co-curricular Facilities
Schedule & Dates
Event, Visuals & Status
Drill Team Locker Room & Practice Gym- COMPLETED
Provide improved area for drill team and locker rooms at the high school.
Culinary Arts Classrooms & Pirate's Cove Cafe - COMPLETED
Remodel the classrooms at the high school for the growing Career and Technology classes at the high school which includes Media Technology.

Career & Technology Classrooms - COMPLETED
Remodel and upgrade the existing home economics classroom to serve theCulinary Arts Program at the high school.

High School Theater - COMPLETED
Provide HS Theater renovations: lighting, sound, ADA upgrades and interior/foyer upgrades.

The bond website will continue to be updated with the latest information as each project progresses. Submit bond questions or comments to contact the department or call 903-295-5136.