2006 Bond Project
The $7 million bond package completed a:
Multi-use Gymnasium Facility built on the high school campus.
Pine Tree ISD Board of Trustees called for an Election
During the August, 2006 school board meeting, members discussed the proposal for a Bond Election. Trustees decided to put a new multi-use gymnasium/facility to a vote and unanimously agreed to ask voters to approve a $7 million bond referendum on the Nov. 7 ballot.
2006 Bond Passes by 63% Margin: Nov. 7, 2006
Pine Tree school officials had been cautiously optimistic through the evening — especially after the early balloting results showed the district's $7 million bond issue might be well on its way to passing. Still, the final results weren't known until about 9:45 p.m. when the district's Tax Assessor-Collector read the fax from downtown with the final results: 2,050 for and 1,199 against.
Information Brochure
A committee of concerned parents and community members created a PAC which helped to raise awareness about the Bond Project. One of their projects was to create an informative brochure.
Frequently Asked Questions
In an effort to clarify communication and information, a document describing the most frequently asked questions and answers about the Bond Project was created.
Tax Information
Visit the Tax Office Webpage for a description of how this Bond affects Pine Tree community members