Pine Tree High School Students Selected for RYLA Awards Five PTHS juniors have been chosen for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)! Sponsored by Rotary Club International, these students were chosen based on leadership potential, school involvement, and academic success. They will attend RYLA camp in February to network with area juniors and build on their leadership skills. The students chosen are Stephanie Viramintes, Hannah Smith, Rashaud Holloway, Ja'Ryan Johnson, and Alex Brace. #pirateproud
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
RYLA  Recipients
Congratulations to our Proud Pirates of the Week! They showed Pirate Pride all week by following directions the first time and working hard in class! #ptprimarysquad
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
proud pirates
The Pine Tree DECA Chapter competed at the district competition in Pittsburg, Texas on January 18th, and 13 competitors qualified for the DECA State Career Development Conference in Dallas on March 9-10. Winners are: Adrian Juarez-Principles of Business Administration; Laney Schroeder-Principles of Finance; Allison Howland- Apparel and Accessories Marketing; Josue Rodriguez -Automotive Services Marketing; Erika Furlong, Rachel Malloy - Hotel and Lodging Management; Ben Bigham- Restaurant and Food Management; Jessica Garcia and Rylie Waclawczyk- Buying and Merchandising Team decision making; Reddic Rau and Bryan Nunez- Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making; Seth McFarland and Hayes Daugbjerg- Sports and Entertainment Marketing. The chapter also received Thrive recognition for completing the community service and promotional campaigns.
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
Tonight is movie night! Park and enjoy The Sandlot from your car at Pirate Stadium tonight, January 20th. Enjoy free hotdogs, popcorn and hot chocolate. Gates open at 6:00 pm. Showtime is 6:30 pm. Students may not be dropped off. Students under the driving age will need to be accompanied by an adult.
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
The Sandlot
Join us at Pine Tree Expedition 2023, a community event that will showcase Pine Tree. Visit with students, teachers and administrators from each campus and department about pathways to success, innovative projects, extracurricular activities, special programs, and more. Enjoy student demonstrations, fine arts performances; learn about volunteering and job opportunities. This is your chance to discover what makes Pine Tree great all in one location. Make plans to join us on Thursday, February 16th from 6pm - 8pm at Maude Cobb Convention Center 100 Grand Blvd.
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
Expedition 2023
Kindergarten Informances Begin next week! Check out this message from Mrs. John's and sign up below! SIGN UP HERE:
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
music informance
Check out Ms. Coleman’s class playing a game called, “Lap, Clap, Snatch.” It is a fun way to review learning. #ptprimarysquad
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
lap, clap, snatch
Pine Tree Powerlifting Earns 17 Medals at Hallsville Meet
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
Due to extinuating circumstances, we need to cancel the PTA meeting tonight. We will be rescheduling it and will send out the new date and time.
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
meeting canceled
Getting Ahead in a Just Getting by World: A series of workshops to build plan to get ahead. No cost. Meal provided. Childcare for children under 12 years old. Tuesdays Starting February 7, 2023, 6-8pm To register, call PARTNERS IN PREVENTION at 903-237-1019
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
Getting Ahead Flyer
Pine Tree is hosting a movie night! Park and enjoy The Sandlot from your car at Pirate Stadium on Friday, January 20th. Enjoy free hotdogs, popcorn and hot chocolate. Gates open at 6:00 pm. Showtime is 6:30 pm. Students may not be dropped off. Students under the driving age will need to be accompanied by an adult.
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
The Sandlot
Tomorrow night is our January PTA Meeting at 6pm in the Primary Cafeteria. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
Save the date for Pine Tree ISD's Expedition 2023, a community event that will showcase Pine Tree. Visit with students, teachers and administrators about pathways to success, innovative projects, extracurricular activities, special programs and more. Enjoy student demonstrations, fine arts performances, learn about volunteering and job opportunities. This is your chance to discover what makes Pine Tree great all in one location. Make plans to join us on Thursday, February 16th from 6-8 pm at Maude Cobb Convention Center 100 Grand Blvd. We look forward to sharing with you.
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
Expedition 2023
No School Monday in honor of MLK Day. For information about community celebrations:
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
School Holiday
Mrs. Pearce’s Pre-K class begins their day with Morning Work that is not only fun but personalized to help each student work on new skills they are learning. It’s a great way to start the day as a Primary Pirate! #ptprimarysquad
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
Morning Work
Morning Work
Morning Work
Morning Work
Congratulations to our Primary Proud Pirates of the Week! These students showed their Pirate Pride all week at school. Chester Chicken helped us celebrate with a “Pirate Squawk”. #ptprimarysquad
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
Proud Pirates
Pine Tree is hosting a movie night! Come watch The Sandlot at Pirate Stadium on Friday, January 20th. Enjoy free hotdogs, popcorn and hot chocolate. Gates open at 6:00 pm. Showtime is 6:30 pm. Park and enjoy the movie from your car. Students under the driving age will need to be accompanied by an adult.
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree ISD
The Sandlot
Today’s Lucky Pirate is Number 4! Everyday we celebrate a Primary Pirate from each class for showing up and working hard. You never know who will be next! #ptprimarysquad
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
lucky Pirate 4
Thank you Traveling Tom’s Coffee Truck for loving on our staff today! Primary also enjoyed a visit from Wake Village Elementary in Texarkana who came to learn about our Solution Tree Model PLC and collaborative practices. It’s a Great to be a Pirate! #ptprimarysquad
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary
coffee truck
Attention Kindergarten Families: Check out this video from Mrs. Johns about our upcoming Music Informances and Performancs. We can't wait to see you soon! #ptprimarysquad
about 2 years ago, Pine Tree Primary