The band program at Pine Tree Junior High consists of over 160 students in grades seven and eight. Students are divided into three ability based bands and meet daily. Pine Tree Jr High has consistently made superior ratings at the UIL concert and sight-reading evaluation. In addition, many of our students make the all-region band every year. The band students at Pine Tree work hard and are successful. We could not be prouder of our students and our band program!
Jr Band Registration
Sunday, August 14th
Brass and Percussion-1:00pm-3:00pm
Woodwinds- 3:00pm-5:00pm
Pine Tree Jr High Band Room (first building when you turn on Pine Tree Jr High Rd from Loop 281, the door will be open.)
Band Parents Meeting
Thursday, August 25th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Pine Tree Jr High School Cafeteria
Calendar of Events 2022-2023
The following dates are tentative depending on availability of facilities due to sporting events and Staar test dates.
August 14th- Band Registration
August 25th- Band Parents Meeting-JH Cafeteria
October 21st-8th grade plays at the HS football game
October 27th-Jr High Fall Concert-JH main gym (subject to change)
November 12th- Jr High Region Auditions
December 13th- Jr High Christmas Concert-JH Main gym (subject to change)
March 21st- Pre UIL Parent Concert-Pine Tree Rd Auditorium
March 24th- Pre UIL Contest in Gilmer (subject to change)
March 30th, 31st- UIL
May 16th- Jr High Spring Concert-JH Main gym (subject to change)
May 19th- Jr High Fun Trip (subject to change)