Come join Pine Tree ISD for a Girls Basketball Camp May 28-May 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This camp is for PT students only and incoming 3rd - 8th grade students. This camp is FREE! Parent/Guardian must register child on the first day of camp! For questions, contact Coach Cal Goss #summercamp2024
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Girls Basketball Camp
Today is School Nurse Appreciation Day! School Nurses are strong, yet compassionate. They often walk with determination, yet have the gentlest touch. They are educators as they are always willing to teach and share their knowledge. They are good listeners and always seem to be there when you need them. Thank you to our district nurses for taking care of our Pirates every day and the impact you have on their lives.
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
School Nurse Day May 8, 2024
Check out the latest news and events in the May 2 issue of The Pirates Treasure
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
We present to you the Pine Tree High School Class of 2024 Top 10 students! Congratulations to these hardworking students for your accomplishments! We know you will go far! #pirateproud
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Pine Tree ISD  Class of 2024 Top Ten Students
FREE Car Seat and Booster Seat Inspections, Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Pine Tree Primary School, 1808 Silver Falls Road Don't forget to bring your child and know their weight and height - a limited number of replacement car seats will be available.
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Car Seat & Booster Seat Inspections
Car Seat and Booster Inspection Event
April 21-27 2024 is National Volunteer Week! Pine Tree ISD is so thankful for our volunteers. We honor and salute you . Thank you for your commitment to our Pirates and the tremendous impact you have on their lives! THANK YOU! #volunteerweek2024
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
National Volunteer Week April 21-27 2024
Pine Tree ISD District Holiday - Friday, April 26, 2024
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
District Holiday April 26
PTISD District Holiday - Friday, April 26, 2024
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
District Holiday April 26
Check out news, announcements and special events in this edition of The Pirate Treasure
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
You are invited to the Pine Tree ISD Exchange Student Info Night on April 22nd at 6:00 p.m. in the Pine Tree High School library. Attendees will learn how to become a host family - Come meet and greet with current exchange students and gather information on an amazing hosting experience. #exchangestudentinfonight2024
8 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
PTISD Exchange Student Info Night April 22 @ 6 - PTHS Library
Pine Tree Families Student Exchange Program 2024
Join Our Fundraiser at Raising Cane's and Support PTHS Cheer!
9 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Join Our Fundraiser at Raising Cane's
At the April 8 board meeting, our PTHS Cheer Team led the pledges. Above and Beyond awards were presented to Jodi McQueary and Brandina Ednie for outstanding service to PTISD. Our Teachers of the Year were also honored and recognized. Teachers of the Year are: Primary - Jasmine Coleman and District Elementary Teacher of the Year; Birch Elementary, Bonnie Smith; Parkway Elementary. Misti Scaggs; Middle, Caleb Epnett; Junior High, Dasia Williams; High School and District Secondary Teacher of the Year, Terri Davis and PACE, Dana Taylor. Complete board minutes may be viewed on the district site at this link:
9 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
HS Cheer
Above and Beyond
PTISD Teachers of the Year
Pine Tree High School Car Wash Fundraiser - April 13 - Drug Emporium - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - $5 CASH
9 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Pine Tree HS Choir Car Wash Fundraiser April 13 Drug Emporium 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon $5 - cash
April is Family Strengthening Month! GO BLUE! Family Night Out - Tuesday, April 2nd, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Longview Arboretum Gardens #goblue2024
9 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Go Blue Family Night Out
Check out the latest news, happenings and events in this week's issue of The Pirate Treasure
9 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Congratulations to our Region 7 Scholarship Recipients! #pirateproud
9 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Congratulations to our Region 7 Scholarship Recipients
🎉 Congratulations to our outstanding Pine Tree ISD Teachers of the Year! Your dedication, passion, and hard work have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for your commitment to shaping the minds of our students and making a positive impact every day. You are true inspirations! 🏫🌟
10 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Teachers of the Year
Pine Tree ISD Celebrates Texas Public Schools Week 2024! #publiceducation #makinganimpact
10 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Texas Public Schools Week 2024
At the PTISD February 12th board meeting, our Middle School students led the pledges. Laura Payne was recognized with an Above and Beyond award. Jackie Brown, a volunteer at Parkway Elementary, was presented the Most Valuable Pirate (MVP) award. The district recognized Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers and students during Career and Technical Education Month. Student Anthony Castro was recognized for his creation of a new CTE logo. Complete board minutes can be found here: #pirateproud #ctemonth
10 months ago, Pine Tree ISD
Middle School Pledges
Above and Beyond Recipient and Most Valuable Pirate recipient
Career and Technical Education students
Career and Technical Education Teachers
Check out the latest news, programs and initiatives in the latest edition of The Pirate Treasure!
11 months ago, Pine Tree ISD